PAS - A Better Way to Work
PAS is a Production Project Management software solution for production companies. It combines a scalable digital asset management system with a powerful set of project management and workflow tools designed to solve common business challenges, customize them to suit your processes, and share them with your team. With the PAS software solution you will enable your production with a competitive advantage through the reuse and re-expression of digital files. It is a powerful technology for managing digital asstes, content and production workflow.
PAS is designed with everyday users in mind. It is Web-based, so you don't need to install software. It's easy to use. You can modify applications on your own, without enlisting help from your IT department. And your teams will find using PAS like second nature.
PAS at Work
With PAS, you'll quickly see dramatic improvements in the way your team:
Organizes information: No more searching for information or waiting for another team member to send a file. PAS centralizes information on a single web site. Production team members can instantly find the information they need and update it.
Tracks information: Where is a certain task in the review cycle? What progress has been made on key tasks? What are the latest sales figures? PAS ensures everyone on the team is up-to-date at all times.
Shares information: Team members have easy access to your PAS application through their web browser. You can control what information each individual can see and whether they can modify, share, or simply view it.
Takes action: PAS keeps things moving along. Automated emails notify production team members when a new task has been assigned to them,what items need to be approved / reviewed, when a deadline is approaching, and more.