Media Asset Management

MAM-Pro’s simplicity of use also makes it very adaptable. With easy to define custom fields, categories and folder structures, administrators can customize the application to achieve flexibility for many types of industries and business types. Whenever there is a need to manage and access digital files of any type, MAM-Pro can be tailored to suit your needs. 

MAM keep all your brand assets such as logos, product images, artwork, advertising and marketing collateral in one central secure system, accessible from anywhere 24 x 7. Store each brand assets in an online catalogue and then share or distribute those files securely across the web to trusted users. Users can easily find and download correct artwork, presentations, images any files on demand. Users are businesses, designers, advertising agencies, large and small companies, government departments. This means all your Logos, Images, Products, Signage and Advertising are in one place.

Advertising and Marketing
MAM provides special functions that make it possible to release considerable PR work and in all aspects of organization and communication of events. Press mailings including pictures no longer overfill mailboxes, searchable database. Shorten processes and ensure that important data can be requested securely and conveniently. Information and files can be sent to different target groups in different specifications and durations.

In education and training, whether at universities or schools, knowledge is often distributed via presentations and "photo-enriched" documents. MAM optimizes the distribution process and effectively reduces costs. In a global world education gets more and more international as well and is in need of tools that will support collaboration.

Industry and Technology
Industrial customers use MAM in corporate communications, for example to send press packages, product catalogs, corporate and product brochures, presentations as well as for the documentation of systems, training information, and for recording and documenting incoming and outgoing shipments.

Travel and Hotel
One picture is worth a thousand words. Nowhere else does this apply so well as to the task of describing a landscape. Photography is an important means of communication in the tourism and hotel industry. MAM is the perfect solution for collecting pictures, presentations brochures, picture galleries and landscapes and distributing them to the various media. Pictures no longer have to be inconveniently sent by CD or converted to the desired format manually. Picture galleries in the Internet are created with a click of the mouse, and packets with dozens of photos are with the travel organizer at the other end of the world in only a few seconds.

Financial and Insurance Sector
MAM is used in marketing and PR to globally manage media assets. Mam can be used for material assets which must be appraised and documented for granting credit. This is a task that is making increasing use of digital cameras and which can considerably increase the documentation process. The same thing applies to recording and documenting damages to various assets, or to the handling of other procedures in the insurance industry.

Retail Food and Beauty
Whether you have photography for a catalogue or packaging subjects for an entire product line, radio ads and TV Ads. MAM provides solutions for the distribution and integration of your multimedia content. Does a new poster have to be discussed with the marketing managers in New York, England, and Los Angeles? Not a problem. Extended product information can be recorded in MAM using its convenient user interface, and then made available to other systems, for example an online shop, including a picture.